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A Positive Change For Marine Life

“- Paving the path to change through understanding, education and respect-

The ocean is our lifeblood. In the blink of an eye in earth terms we have almost destroyed it. Over fishing, pollution, anthropogenic warming, irresponsible industry and invasive species are all taking their toll, yet while there is ingenuity, there is hope and positivity has a remarkable knack for creating change...

We pride ourselves on achieving marine conservation outcomes which benefit not only the ocean, but the communities who rely on it for survival. As a volunteer-run organisation we have limited overheads, so you can rest assured that all of our funding is being used where it will have the most impact.”

In February we had an amazing team of Positive Change For Marine Life (PCFML) who came to SISP with this beautiful mind-set. Our new partner cooperates with us about the environment, eco-tourism, waste management, the fishing harbour in Vizhinjam…

It was an intense two weeks, with a very strict programme to get everything out of this special visit and to ensure all contacts for a future cooperation. There where meetings with the Kovalam Waste Management, the local diving school Bond Ocean Safari and several meetings in the fisherman community from Vizhinjam, to find out which possibilities are in our reach and finally to find a solution for the existing (waste) problems in this area. Beside of all soil pollution, every year millions of trash end up in the ocean and often the fisherman find their nets full of waste, mostly plastic ... We already made a small change by asking a local painter to make two beautiful murals in the fishermen’s harbour, regarding awareness to take care of our ocean. Beside of this we had a special interactive awareness class for our SISP students where they made a painting out of waste and decorated a big trash bin in which we collect plastic waste. At Valentine’s Day we conducted a great beach clean-up; together with the local diving school and our friends from PCFML, our SISP students showed their love for the nature and the ocean and helped to make the beach a little bit cleaner. After this beach clean-up we have participated several (beach-) clean-ups with our SISP students, Kovalam Skate Club and Kovalam Surf Club members. By joining hands we hope to make a 'positive change for marine life'!

If you want to know more about Positive Change For Marine Life and our partnership, you can find all information at the following links:

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